1inch Network has integrated ZKsync, a second-layer scaling solution developed for Ethereum $2,704. This integration aims to facilitate faster and lower-cost transactions across different networks.
Details of the Integration
The new integration allows users to seamlessly conduct cross-network transactions. 1inch reported that it achieved significant transaction volumes with its “Fusion+” technology, which was launched in beta last September.
“We expect an increase in transaction volume due to trust-based, bridge-less transactions on ZKsync Era.” – Sergej Kunz, Co-Founder of 1inch
The fact that transaction fees are not borne by users is made possible through system actors, known as resolvers, staking 1INCH tokens. This situation aims to generate solutions that provide competitive rates for users.
Technology and Future Vision
ZKsync is built using zero-knowledge technology. The platform offers a scalable alternative that maintains the security of the Ethereum mainnet while providing lower transaction fees and increased speed.
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