Haliey Welch, the “Hawk Tuah” girl who went viral last year, has awoken from her long “sleep” following the disastrous launch of her Solana meme coin in early December. And things are as chaotic and confusing as ever.
Welch appears to have posted a new episode of her “Talk Tuah” podcast on Thursday, more than two months after the last episode was released shortly before her meme coin catastrophe. Strangely, though, the episode no longer appears on her YouTube channel—seemingly deleted as abruptly as it went up.
But if the idea was to scrub it before the internet could get its eyes on it, then it wasn’t fast enough, as leaks of the episode are now circulating on social media.
Full @HalieyWelchX Talk Tuah Episode with @Banks
Hawk Tuah finally wakes up!
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