B3, an ecosystem token for the Ethereum layer-3 gaming network of the same name, climbed to a new all-time high on Tuesday after it was launched and airdropped to early users the day prior.
The token, which now trades at a price above $0.016, is claimable until February 24 for users and builders from “Season 1” who earned XP ($0.01) or BP points in the B3 ecosystem. The B3 network is built atop Coinbase’s Ethereum layer-2 network, Base.
The airdrop claim opened on Monday with the B3 token trading in a range from $0.004-$0.005 for most of the day, moving higher after Coinbase announced the token was live for trading on its platform on Monday night.
Now B3–which provides holders and stakers with exclusive benefits, like access to dedicated gamechains and early access to games–is trading more than three times higher at $0.0161, down about 11% from the all-time high price above $0.018 that it achieved on Tuesday. The price nearly touched $0.018 agai…
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