We are paid because of the competencies we have. We are hired because we have certain skills. The more competencies we have, the better we are placed to gain. The better competencies we have, the better we are paid. Take a pen and paper. Write down your competencies. Write at least 20 skills that you have. Now can you provide evidence to show that you have the said dexterities? Are they basic skills or highly advanced skills?
Competency is the quality or state of having sufficient knowledge, judgment, skill, or strength. The neighbours to the concept of competency consist of ability, proficiency, capacity, and capability.
Competence is the ability to do something quite well. Do we gain competencies through education, experience, on-the-job training, coaching, mentorship, networking, communities, feedback and reviews, self-directed, peer learning, simulation, apprenticeship, job shadowing, and role-playing?
How do we assess our competencies so we can attract better prospects?
We can get our skills analysed through assessment centres. This is where candidates are given a set of activities and tasks so that evaluators can be able to audit them.
Candidates can be given case studies, group discussions, competency-based interviews, basket exercises, and role-play. The assessors get to extract communication abilities, logical arguments, leadership, emotional intelligence, confidence, and courage.
We can also use the 36 methods of knowing our skill levels. We can design tools to generate responses from fellow workers, suppliers, customers, and friends.
This one can be done anonymously. It can be done using online means. It is feared but it can bring certain insights that can help in the growth and development of the individual.
Workplace observations can be deployed to evaluate employees. Heads of Departments can make a record of the proficiencies that employees under their watch have.
This can be done through projects, workplace performances, leadership and decision-making, cross-functional collaborations, training, meetings and presentations, high-pressure situations and client interactions. Don’t rely on the head to archive these skills. It is important to have every employee’s key performance indicators.
Psychometrics tests are great generators of people’s expertise. Cognitive abilities like numerical, linguistic, creative thinking, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
Talent acquisition connoisseurs are quite keen on personality. Personality tests like The Big Five, Myer Brigs Type Indicator or DISC are quite popular. Emotional intelligence has become quite a big deal.
One can use portfolio examination to deeply dive into know-how. Portfolios are work samples. For example, a writer can carry their articles to an interview to have an edge over the rest. A photographer can show their top-tier pictures for good measure. Let us have those project reports with us. Plus, client testimonials.
How do people work with groups to avoid a silo mentality? This is where group dynamics come in. Can this person communicate well? What about the strength to synergise? Where there are diverse people, conflicts are bound to happen. Does this person know how to solve conflicts? Can this person empower and inspire a group to perform?